CanExport SME

At first, let’s start with answering this question: what is CanExport SME ?

It’s a program that helps small businesses to expand to new markets internationally.

CanExport is the most popular program among the Canadian government international market expansion grants. Thanks to the CanExport SME funding, Canadian companies have better opportunities to find customers and representatives out of Canada.

So, they can develop their businesses without any financial risks. In the following, you will understand how to apply for CanExport SME and the conditions.

Who can apply for CanExportSME?

Small or medium-sized businesses with the below circumstances can use SME funds:


  • Be profit-making
  • Incorporated or legal identity or companies with limited partnership responsibilities (LLP companies)
  • Having Canada Revenue Agency business number
  • Having 500 employees or fewer
  • Having 100,000 to 100 million dollars income during the last 12 months. Your company’s revenue must be declared


If you have those conditions, there are more points that should pay attention to them:


  • You must show that if your business has the potential for making money in other countries
  • You must have the right economic policies for your exports
  • Canadian government prefers to give funds to the companies in particular industry. It depends on government policies
  • If you have successful experience in export trading, you will have more chances to gain CanExport SME

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Which projects have more chance to gain funds?

As we mentioned before, some companies prioritize funding:


  • Market research and gather information. For example, companies that work on researches, studies, etc
  • Businesses that need certification for international trading
  • Adaptation of marketing materials and SEO
  • Experts that try to find easy ways to work with foreign companies. For example, they have plans to translate different languages or any way to communicate


Some activities can not use canExport SME. We name this group below:


  • If your company has 10% or 100.000$ income in Canada in the last two years, it means that you do not need support. You can do everything on your own!
  • If your business doesn’t have any potential to expand in other countries, you won’t be funded

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Which events are supported by Canexport SME?

CanExport SME - Which events are supported by Canexport SME?

The government subsidizes businesses to find new international markets. The below events are the best opportunities for finding new customers:


  • Virtual Events and exhibitions:
    you will be supported in exhibition charges. SME also helps you get the international certificates in your target market that you need.
  • International content producing and SEO:
    the online area is one of the best international markets. You can use this budget to introduce your company to foreign customers by producing digital content. So, Canexport SME supports you in international SEO and international digital marketing. (It seems to be necessary to say that SEO means search engine optimization).
  • Using different trading tools:
    SME helps you to use different tools for marketing in other countries.
  • Market analyses:
    As an international business, you have to compete with many similar companies. One of the best ways to win is by analyzing competitors. Canexport SME will help you to do this job.
  • Professional consultation and guidance:
    All successful companies have strong business plans and best strategies. CanExport SME supports you in Getting help from experts in various aspects of the job.

How can you use CanExport SME?

Some of the managers think that if they have the circumstances that we pointed, they can request easily and profit. But it has a complicated process. So, it would be better if you had a professional adviser for help.

The advisers can reduce the time of asking for CanExport SME. They also know all the details about the process. So, they can advise you to emphasize your strengths. This may increase the chance of achieving facilities. The advisers can do paperwork as fast as possible. It’s one of the most important things for companies ready to enter the global market.

Exportgrant is a company that works in CanExport SME, professionally. So, we can help you be funded in the shortest time. The only task that you should do is going to our website. There is a form on the site that must be completed by you.

We need some business information. After you filling the form and we receive an email from you. Then Exportgrant experts check your information and schedule a free meeting to discuss about the details. You can trust our help and support in this process.


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